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Acts_as_list example

16 Mar 15 - 10:16

Acts_as_list example

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Feb 21, 2007 - Using ActiveRecord's acts_as_list makes dealing with listed items a breeze. A lot of the examples I have seen assume that you'd be using

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acts_as_list example

Example: acts_as_list :scope => 'todo_list_id = #{todo_list_id} AND completed = 0'. Show source. # File activerecord/lib/active_record/acts/list.rb, line 33 def Oct 24, 2011 - I don't want to sound like a jerk but the source code is actually the best doc for this little gem. Todo list example: #. # class TodoList < ActiveRecord::Base. # has_many :todo_items, :order => "position". # end. #. # class TodoItem < ActiveRecord::Base.

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For example if we use one of the links to drag an item around then the link will be While it's not required for our application, we're going to use the acts_as_listOct 9, 2011 - If you're using acts_as_list in a polymorphic scope, you need to define the Here's the non-polymorphic example from acts_as_list's README:. Dec 22, 2010 - Here is a sample test: test "acts_as_list methods" do list = ToDoList.create(description: 'To Do List 1') task1 = list.tasks.create(description: 'Task Jan 14, 2015 - Contribute to acts_as_list development by creating an account on Example. At first, you need to add a position column to desired table: Feb 2, 2009 - script/generate migration add_position_to_faqs position:integer rake db:migrate script/plugin install git://github.com/rails/acts_as_list.git. routes. Mar 6, 2006 - the new position. For example (though I'm sure this can be simplified further): I'm leary of acts_as_list in a multi user app on postgres.

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